Java Interop

Suppose there’s a Java class or function that I’d like to use.

JsonObject myObj = new JsonObject()
JsonObject withParams = new JsonObject("{\"some\": \"json\"}")

In Clojure, you can instantiate objects like this.

(let [my-obj      (JsonObject.)
      with-params (JsonObject. "{\"some\": \"json\"}")])

In Java, you’d invoke methods like this.

JsonObject myObj = new JsonObject()
myObj.put("number", 1).put("text", "abc")

In Clojure, this would look something like this

(let [my-obj (JsonObject.)]
  (.put (.put my-obj "number" 1) "text" "abc"))

This can end up creating long lines of code, so the threading operator helps us take advantage of vertical space.

(let [my-obj (JsonObject.)]
  (-> my-obj
      (.put "number" 1)
      (.put "text" "abc")))

If this is all we’re doing to the object, then we don’t really even need the let form.

(-> (JsonObject.)
    (.put "number" 1)
    (.put "text" "abc"))

You can also call static methods in a Java class from Clojure. What you would normally write in Java…


…would look like this in Clojure.

(JsonObject/mapFrom ...)